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MA SIR CONSULTING COMPANY(以下簡稱「本公司」、「我們」)) 非常重視您的隱私權。 請您詳細閱讀下列有關隱私權保護內容。


1. 個人資料收集


1.2. 本公司會記錄使用者上站的位元址,以及在網站內瀏覽網站等相關資料,但這些資料僅供作為流量分析和網路行為調查,以便於改善本網站的服務品質。

1.3. 在某些情況下,例如當使用者要求加入會員、訂閱電子報、其他服務、或參加其他活動等時,本公司會要求使用者登記個人資料,以便於聯繫、完成交易、提供服務、或處理訂閱程式。


2. 個人資料使用


2.2. 成為會員即代表願意接受由本公司發出之推廣活動消息、資訊及優惠。  如果您不想收到任何資訊,請電郵至


3. Cookies

3.1. 為了便利使用者,本網站可能會使用曲奇(cookie)技術,以便於提供更適合使用者個人需要的服務;曲奇(cookie)是網站主機用來和使用者流覽器進行溝通的一種技術,它可能在使用者的電腦中儲存某些資訊,但使用者可以經由流覽器的設定,取消、或限制此項功能。


4. 資料安全


4.2.在部分情況下,本公司會採用世界先進的 SecureSocket Layer (SSL) 傳輸加密機制,避免資料在傳送時被第三者讀取,以保障資料安全。

4.3. 我們不會未經閣下同意出售或公開您的個人資料,除以下情況:

4.3.1. 任何向本公司運作而提供服務的代理商、承包商及服務商,包括行政管理、訂單處理、電子通訊、電腦、網站維護、付款事宜及其他服務。

4.3.2. 任何與我們有保密協議之人士和機構,包括附屬機構。

4.4.3. 任何我們相信於有關法律下有義務向其公開資料的有關人士和機構。


5. 更新及修改會員資料

5.1. 登記成為本公司會員即代表您同意以上政策及個人資料收集聲明。當您進入本網站並同意成為我們的網站會員,閣下必須因應網站內個人資料收集聲明之要求,填上部分個人資料,作為使用本公司服務條件,您亦有權要求修正個人資料。個人資料若有變動或發現資料不正確時,可以登入後在本網站中更正或修改,包含要求停止寄發電子報、廣告等相關訊息。


6. 本公司將會隨時更改政策而不作另行通知。 如對本網頁之私隱政策有任何查詢,歡迎電郵至

Privacy Policy

Ma Sir Consulting Company (hereinafter 'the Company', 'us', 'we' or 'our') values your privacy. Please read the following privacy protection details in detail.


1.Personal data acquisition

1.1. When users enter our website, no personal information is needed unless you want to enquire, join our membership or make a purchase. We will not obtain users' personal information without notification to users.

1.2. We record user's location on website/ browses the website/other related materials, all this information is only used for traffic analysis and online behavioral survey to improve our services.

1.3. We may request users to register personal information in order to contact, complete the transaction, provide service or process subscription.

2. Use of personal data

2.1. Personal data obtained by us and its related website are for the purpose and scope of use as specified. We will never provide users' personal date to third parties unless stated or in accordance with applicable laws.

2.2. By registering member, you are willing to accept promotional news, information and offers from us. If you reject to receive any information, please email to

3. Cookies

3.1. We may use cookie technology to provide services that are more suitable for users; cookies are a technique used by web host to communicate with users' browsers. It may store certain information on users' computer, but users can cancel or restrict this function via browser's setting.


4. Data security

4.1. To protect users' personal privacy and security, account information is protected by password.

4.2. In some cases, we use the world's advanced SecureSocket Layer(SSL) transmission encryption mechanism to prevent your data from being read by third parties during transmission.

4.3. We will not sell or disclose your personal data without your consent, except in following cases:

4.3.1. Any agent, contractor and service provider that provided services to our operations, including administration, order processing, electronic communications, computers, website maintenance, payment matters and other services.

4.3.2. Any person or institution that has a confidentiality agreement with us, including affiliates.

4.3.3. Any person or institution that we believe is obligated to disclosed information to it under the relevant laws.


5. Update and modify member information

5.1. By registering as our member, you agreed to the above policy and personal information collection statement. When you enter our website and agreed to become our member, you must fill in some of the personal date in response to the requirements of the personal information collection statement on the website. As a condition of using our service, you also have the right to request amendments to your personal information. If the personal data changes or the information is found to be incorrect, you can log in and correct or modify it on this website, including requesting to stop sending e-newsletters, advertisements and other related information.


6. This Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time without prior notice and at the discretion of the Company. Any enquiry in relation to this privacy policy, please contact us by email:

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